The College of Education for Pure Sciences holds a Quranic conclusion, Quranic letters, and a Quranic competition

The College of Education for Pure Sciences held a Quranic conclusion, Quranic letters and a Quranic competition at the University of Basrah  under the supervision of the Physics Department
The event held in the College of Education for Science in the Department of Physics during the days of the month of God Almighty included Ramadan. Faleh Hussein Khudair, with the participation of a delegation of religious scholars in Basrah, hosted by the College on this blessed day, participating in this event as dictated by their religious duty to bless, advise and guide those in charge of this Qur’anic conclusion. Abdel Sattar Jaber Ali and the Head of the Department of Physics, Prof. Dr. Jabbar Mansour Khalaf and a number of male and female teachers in the department, and the reward was dedicated to all the dead believers, men and women, and to the dead participants in reading it...
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