Tomorrow, the electronic form will be launched regarding the decision to appoint (1000) graduates in the form of a three-year contract with a salary of 300 thousand
1- It starts on 7/1, as mentioned in their book.. for holders of bachelor’s degrees and diplomas, graduates of all years.
2- All colleges, institutes and specializations are covered by the decision.
3- To a large and almost certain percentage of electronic submission with a link that will be published later
4- Get endorsement from the college. The rate is mentioned in it and it does not harm the old endorsement, that is, two or three years ago, no more, and it refers to the ministry in which you have the right to be appointed.
5- Acceptance in appointment is done either as points or with withdrawals.. Points are calculated as average, years of graduation, marital and children.
6- The application is very easy on the mobile via the link and does not require going to offices or other places to apply.
7- The governorate is responsible for applying, for example, the governorate of Basra.. and there is no need for your review of the governorate at all. Admission will take place in a transparent manner and in front of everyone's eyes.
#Note: 3 years is considered a period of rehabilitation and preparation for graduates and does not count as a service for them.
#Very important (this information is required to fill out the form after its release) to apply for 1000 job grade contract
1. Full name and surname
2. The mother's triple name
3. Gender
4. Birth place
5. Date of birth
6. ID or national card number
7. The date of issuance of the nationality or national card
8. The issuer of the nationality or the national card
9. Residence card number
10. Issuing body
11. Release date
12. Ration card number
13. Issuing authority Permanent residence address
14. Governorate
15. Elimination
16. The side
17. Village or neighborhood
18. Phone number
19. Marital status
20. Academic qualifications
21. The name of the university or institute
22. Graduation year
23. Certificate
24. Jurisdiction
25. Type of study
26. degree
27. The average information required of graduates to apply for contract appointments is (1000) degrees
Note for each governorate, a link will be downloaded by the governorate and you will be notified about the date of the form if it is opened