The University of Basrah organizes a scientific lecture entitled (Succinimide derivatives as a treatment for bacteria that cause oral diseases and ways to prevent them)

The College of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Basrah  organized a scientific lecture entitled (Succinimid derivatives as a treatment for bacteria that cause oral diseases and ways to prevent them). Fungi, antioxidants and cancer tumors, which are heterocyclic compounds containing two carbonyl groups attached to a nitrogen atom and are considered cyclic imidase derivatives and prepared in many ways.
It also included a review of some types of bacteria present in the areas of the mouth, and identification of widespread oral diseases such as tooth decay, gingivitis, lips and tongue, and oral cancer, as the tooth enamel layer contains protective minerals, and the loss of these minerals as a result of food residues harmful to the teeth turns into acid in the presence of bacteria, which leads to It leads to the loss of these minerals and the appearance of white spots that indicate early decay, and if left untreated, it leads to caries and tooth erosion.
The lecture concluded with a review of health guidelines and preventive methods to protect the teeth and mouth in general from these diseases.