The University of Basrah holds a scientific and cultural symposium for students of the College of Education for Pure Sciences entitled (Phobia and its mysteries)

The Educational Counseling and Psychological Guidance Unit at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, in cooperation with the Center for Development and Continuing Education, held a scientific and educational symposium
  For students of the College of Education for Pure Sciences entitled
  (Paradise phobia and its secrets) on Thursday 2/3/2023 at the Knowledge Hall at exactly ten o’clock in the morning, and the symposium included
The following lectures
The concept of pathological phobia and ways to overcome it
Dr. Amal Ali Yassin
Dr. Zainab Jamil Abdel Jalil
Germ phobia and its relationship to obsessive-compulsive disorder
Dr.. Zainab Khalaf Abdullah
Insect phobia
Dr. Asma Abdel Zahra Seven
blood phobia
Dr. Salma Said Abbas
A questionnaire was distributed to the students for the purpose of identifying and counting the types of phobias that accompany them and hinder their scientific progress, academic progress and daily life, and study the possibility of treatment and overcoming it.
The symposium concluded with the following points
  Learn about many types of phobias, know how to deal with them naturally, and work to reduce the severity of their symptoms
And knowing the factors that cause the phobia and whether they are genetic factors such as a family history of infection or acquired as a reaction to a bad experience
And the need to follow cognitive-behavioral therapy in order to overcome the stages of phobia or exposure therapy, as this treatment focuses on exposing the injured to the source of fear gradually.
Prevention of phobias through education on how to deal with phobias
Controlling fears by prioritizing time management and the tasks of your life with confidence, determination and courage Enhancing the religious aspect by reading the Holy Qur’an and supplications to spread peace, calm and psychological comfort