University of Basrah discusses a master’s thesis on (preparation and diagnosis of nano-graphene oxide from some wastes and its polymeric applications to remove oil stains)

The College of Education for Pure Sciences, Department of Chemistry, discussed a master’s thesis on the preparation and identification of nanographene oxide from some wastes and its polymeric applications to remove oil stains.
The thesis presented by the researcher (Afra Mamoun Ahmed) included a study of the preparation of graphene oxide with a melamine formaldehyde polymer to improve the surface properties and porosity of the polymer and its application in treating oil pollution. The resulting compounds were characterized using IR, FESEM and HRTEM techniques, and nanomagnetic iron oxide was prepared using the gear method The common name for iron(II) (Fe⁺). 2) II and iron(III) showed superior magnetic properties
The letter concluded the following
Nano graphene oxide was prepared from graphite pens available in the local environment, and the validity of the composition was proven through IR and FESEM measurements.
Polymelamine formaldehyde composites loaded with nano-reduced graphene oxide were prepared in the form
It showed that it contains good porosity according to the FESEM image. Magnetic nano-iron oxide was prepared and loaded on polymelamine-formaldehyde discs and determined using VSM, HRTEM, EDX, FESEM, and In formaldehyde
prepared, and the results showed the ability of the porous discs loaded with graphene to adsorb compounds.
Hydrocarbons with high effectiveness.
According to the results of the current study, prepared polymelamine composite tablets can be used to reduce
Water pollution with hydrocarbon compounds and preserving the environment.