Two teachers from Basra University publish research in an international journal

The two researchers, Professor Ali Abdel Wahed Abdel Hussein, and Assistant Professor Kawkab Ali Hussein in the Department of Chemistry - College of Education for Pure Sciences - University of Basra

Who published a research titled

Review on the “Biological Applications of Okra Polysaccharides and Prospective Research”

Review of "Biological Applications of Okra Polysaccharides and Future Research"

In: Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

In the publishing house: Springer

It is in the container: Clarvet


Natural biopolymers are important molecules that are used in many different fields. One such natural biopolymer is polysaccharides, which are found in medicinal plants and vegetables and have various biological applications. Okra is one of the common vegetables known for its sticky texture, which has many benefits such as aiding the digestive system, antioxidants and fighting many other diseases. Okra contains different chemical components in different proportions, such as protein, fat, fiber, minerals, and others, which gave okra medical importance. In this article, recent studies on the methods of extracting, isolating and diagnosing polysaccharides from okra are reviewed, as well as their medical applications. Where the study recommended the importance of benefiting from the extraction and isolation of polysaccharides from okra in evaluating its efficiency as an anti-cancer, as well as preparing nanoparticles and their medical applications in the future.