The College of Education for Pure Sciences in the Computer Science Department at the University of Basra discussed a master's thesis entitled (Towards Building a Robust Healthcare Authentication Scheme in WBAN Environment) and the thesis presented by the researcher (Yasmine Abbas Muhsin) included designing a strong authentication scheme based on the ECC cryptosystem widely used in wireless networks because of its high level of security. The proposed scheme achived high security features such as mutual authentication and the ability to resist various attacks. Scheme security has been proven using the BAN Logic and AVISPA tool. In addition to designing a mobile application that acts as an intermediary between the sensors and the authenticated server, this application can interpret the sensor signal, alert the patient to his health status, and contact the attending physician when necessary. The research also focused on the necessity of preserving the limited energy of the vital sensors in order to achieve the maximum benefit from them and for the longest possible period by dividing the signal issued by them into two types Normal and Abnormal, and thus determining the transmission in Abnormal cases only. The proposed scheme aims to provide health care to patients remotely without the need to lie in the hospital, which leads to reducing the financial burden on the patient and increasing the quality of medical services provided, as well as reducing the pressure on hospitals. The thesis recommended the importance of using modern technology in health care systems in various directions due to its role in the major development of health care systems and the provision of services that contribute to making human life easer.