

Graduates of the Department of Physics enjoy all their rights and privileges to work in educational institutions in all their branches. Indeed, they have proven their competence in their work in educational schools that serve human service and comfort and provide studies related to their specialization to transform them into completed projects on the ground to develop what their professors have been working on to develop this country. The ancient one.

Graduates of the Department of Physics are described as follows:
He is the graduate who completed his academic and applied studies in the Department of Physics - and obtained a Bachelor's degree - Physical Sciences, and who gained from his studies a foundation of information in physics that enables him to practice professions related to various specializations with complete success. Detailed, accurate, and specialized in his work, such that this information enables him to He occupies one of the jobs or positions that qualifies him to work in this aspect of applied sciences, as well as his study of humanitarian subjects such as human rights, the foundations of God, and others, which make him a pillar upon which society relies.
Based on this basis or descriptive concept, a graduate of the Physics Department must have the following knowledge:
Possessing extensive information in the mechanical, electrical, and atomic educational fields, as well as industries based on electricity, solar energy, and air currents, and the ability to link basic information to application in the various fields mentioned above, and possessing skill regarding the use of available means and devices that enable him to research within the various physical disciplines through which he works. To contribute to the implementation and development of necessary services for society.

Graduates between qualification and employment
In the department, a small committee was formed to communicate with the students of the Physics Department at the University of Basra in the College of Education for Pure Sciences and its graduates, and to qualify them through a number of programs and workshops. It also aims to extend bridges of interaction between the student and the labor market represented by the private and public sectors, local and international, and to market them to it, which the unit contributes to building. An advanced society on which all state institutions rely to keep pace with scientific developments and update information in order to develop their capabilities that will be employed in the future to serve our dear country.

Programme of Action:
• Introducing graduates to the Graduate Follow-up Committee
• Preparing a database for graduates
• Communicating with graduates and informing them of the department’s and university’s activities through the department’s website and social media sites.
• Providing various programs to prepare students and graduates for the labor market
• Providing a continuing education program through training programs and courses for graduates
• Holding an annual ceremony for graduates
• Activating social activities such as trips, seminars, etc., informing graduates and ensuring their participation in these activities so that there is continuous connection and communication between graduates and the department.

Activating the role of the final beneficiary of graduates and ensuring their participation in:
1- Training students in the workplace before graduation
2- Student activities
3- Providing job opportunities for graduates of the department
4- Contributing to the annual graduation ceremony
5- A program to prepare students and graduates for the labor market
• Preparing questionnaires to survey the institutions’ opinion regarding the department’s graduates to determine the extent of the institutions’ satisfaction with the level of the department’s graduates and work to develop the performance of the department’s graduates in light of these questionnaires.
• Preparing questionnaires about the unit’s activities and analyzing these questionnaires to determine the extent of satisfaction and benefit of graduates and various work institutions from these activities and working to develop the unit’s performance in light of the analysis of these questionnaires.
• Supervising the unit’s workers, directing them and following up on their implementation of the work assigned to them.

Committee activities in the department:
• A scientific visit to the Southern Electricity Company
• A scientific visit to the Center for Renewable Energy
• A workshop on recent developments in laboratory safety technology
• A workshop on energy conservation in buildings and its relationship to human comfort
• A scientific visit to the Planetarium